Friday, July 23, 2010

from the flat files

so im moving. i want to get rid of things. im going to be honest and say i like my stuff, but most of the art ive made in the last 3 years, the good stuff, i want to share. and by share i mean $50 for big, $20 for small. im not ascribing numbers like that to say its worth that amount. most of it i would price @ $200 - $325. at the same time i spent a lot of time just making more and more. so now im moving and the flat file is full of things i can part with, sadly.

take a look at the entire album. k?

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me, every day, before the lord blesses me with coffee

really, you already know about me.

My photo
indianapolis, United States
progressive big headed shy person with a big mouth and ideas that from time to time manifest themselves into visual or audible pieces.