Wednesday, November 03, 2010


this was sent from my phone.


this was sent from my phone.

Friday, July 23, 2010

from the flat files

so im moving. i want to get rid of things. im going to be honest and say i like my stuff, but most of the art ive made in the last 3 years, the good stuff, i want to share. and by share i mean $50 for big, $20 for small. im not ascribing numbers like that to say its worth that amount. most of it i would price @ $200 - $325. at the same time i spent a lot of time just making more and more. so now im moving and the flat file is full of things i can part with, sadly.

take a look at the entire album. k?

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Just about there...or, i'm here.

im a paint marker away from finishing my mixed media indiana flag on dome roof painting. i dont know if the show its supposed to be in is even still happening but keep indianapolis beautiful is busy, well, keeping my hometown perty. im more than happy with it since at first i felt like some mark just pushing paint around but i had my vision and now i can say ive really worked on something that was a totally unoriginal idea. i love how the torch turned out, i love how the stars are both bold but decaying, i love that the blue is totally wrong but hell, we voted blue for obama and we dont have palin as a vice president. theres a lot of indiana in this painting.
the base blue i bought from a random box of crap at a woodruff place garage sale ten years ago...its a refill for a printer long gone but its blue. it became a problem a few weeks ago since im using all water based paints: it kicks its way through, looking for air, turning my 9 layers of yellow into green....not a bad move in a progressive/changing state like not saying the state is progressive, but its a changin.
the whole thing is fatter than it needs to be, just like our state, and me, and just about everyone i know that eats. its following the cute trend of minimizing and plushificating stuff that need not be touched, like plush star wars characters or Chuthulus.... pointless but entertaining, which i am sure someone could say about our state.

i could rail on and on about this painting but i wont. just buy it and show some pride in where yr from. k?
-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

forever ago...

tonight was pretty rad - seeing a full moon behind a skim of clouds while walking into my apartment from the back entrance. i could smell the indian food two blocks away and see thunder to the north-west. my wife was awake and being intrigued by a new/old series. there was beer in the fridge and work for the day was done.
theres new music to listen to and a resume to update for the act alone.
i hear matt's voice in a remix and feel ok with not playing a show without practicing as a full band, even though i appreciate it when my band rips it raw.
its blood memory.

Friday, April 23, 2010

ok, heres the thing

...what is the difference between the professional act of managing a group of people, effectively teaching them to convey the importance of their support in order to continue operation of a service compared to my own act of creation of visual art expressing a viewpoint of emotion?

its not so much an existential crisis and more a mater of respect for existing power structures and execution within ones own limitations.

anyone dig on that?

Saturday, April 03, 2010

the amassment of space _ art sale

dig into this site. go two years back. maybe a little over a year...
if you see something you like i will sell it to you for $100. buy more and the discount starts to pile up:

each piece is $100 but each piece after that is $25 less.
2 pieces = $175
3 pieces = $225
4 pieces = $250

then i stop and we start to talk about what the h is going on.

some pink ones

the ones with birds

yes, even the drums and bras

anything pieces that are horizontal, or really just two panels, are $150, but the same $25 applies to consecutive works. if you get a larger piece that one starts the ball rolling.

hit me up any way you choose. lets talk. or just send me a wish list and we'll work on it.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Monday, January 18, 2010

something in between

twitter makes me edit down my thoughts by 3 or 4 letters, usually killing an important word or two neat the beginning of the thought in order to maintain some sort of legible context.

this blog can easily handle longer sparrings with subjects and the image uploading can handle a lot.

the in between i hinted at a few posts back. behold, a tumblr blog:


hope you like it.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

1e punk lighter

dont vote

i bought this at a german dollar store last year. im out of other cigarette lighters right now so im down to using this little piece of sunshine.


me, every day, before the lord blesses me with coffee

really, you already know about me.

My photo
indianapolis, United States
progressive big headed shy person with a big mouth and ideas that from time to time manifest themselves into visual or audible pieces.