Friday, November 28, 2008

post election high is waining....

being patriotic is fine, but nationalism is scary.
so of course, i find things like this video and i get the creeps.

god bless you america.

Monday, November 10, 2008

the junekill ward

this band, the junekill ward, was supposed to be a d-beat 80s cover band at its inception, but when you mix the hippy of jerrys vision, the off kilter fun of the shaloms, and the math of letters in english you get one band that makes little to no sense.

the only lyric i can remember clearly from this song is; if i bring a child 'nto this world/i'll teach 'im how to hate the fist.

well, the guy that wrote that line did in fact bring a child into this world and hes a pretty cool little dude that can totally ride a bike on his first try.

Nolan's first bike ride from Burd Phillips on Vimeo.

i almost wish this band was still around to clear rooms. if anything, we were good at that. brd is busy with making sure people ride bikes in cool ways, and jole is in seattle, programing the robot wars.

guess what, humans lose. they LOSE TO REFUSE!

cutest crap in the world

pups. damn cute pups.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Sunday, November 02, 2008

new couch = new playlist

i am almost afraid of the awesomeness of the couch in my living room right now. i love the color, i love the lines, i love the functionality of it. its pretty rad. as you can see, fin finn iron curtain loves it too. if you dont know fin, he is the younger of our two rad-cats. they get agro on the stupidest stuff but it makes andrea and i laugh for hours, if not minutes.

also, if you will, notice the new playlist jobey i discovered via my sister's blog. its pretty cool. but its a sunday night so i just went with what i knew after a fantastic Colts win over those puss booty Patriots. i guess the Colts are the "un-american" team since we beat such amazing american patriots, complete with late hits and a crappy coach. f'em, i say, in the most democratic way possible.

which brings me to the fear that i may have to stand in line Tuesday. some friends of mine tried to get their vote counted early, but the line was three hours long. they bailed and i dont blame them. hell, it helped get that awesome couch you see at the top of this post in my crappy apartment. so good job citizens. you are really showing the electorate that you care about who runs the nation for the next four to ten years. some people are afraid of Palin in 2012 - i fear 1) the end of the world according to the Aztec calendar & 2) the robot wars. singularity isnt that far off, so keep an eye out on your ipods kids. they will kill you!

in the mean time, go vote. fuckit. go vote twice if you can. that shit doesnt mean shit. show the electorate that you want who you want in office. thats the only way, really. that is unless america wises up and either goes all paper (we still know how to read, right?) or to just putting a finger print on the face of the person we want representing us to the REST OF THE WORLD. dont be a douche bag, vote obabma. everyone will like you no matter were you are from. i know what is cool so just trust me on this one.


me, every day, before the lord blesses me with coffee

really, you already know about me.

My photo
indianapolis, United States
progressive big headed shy person with a big mouth and ideas that from time to time manifest themselves into visual or audible pieces.