Monday, March 30, 2009

preparation makes me a prep? f that.

a weekend spent half-framing screwed up my back. i say half framing because i assembled. i didnt make anything but the pictures. didnt cut wood or joint any corners or glue anything. just made sandwiches of plexi, paper, board and board. being a good sandwich maker doesnt make you a good cook, or anything close to a chef. kinda like how mixing a good color doesnt make you a good painter, or anything close to a good artist.
[thats why i like black and white, sucka!]

Andrea was outta town at a conference she said was educational and helpful, but i wonder how much of what she workshopped will be usefull in the next few months...she needs another job. you know, for more money, respect, benefits, and a chance to convince her to move downtown. maybe just more money. nonetheless, i had time to work and work and smoked and drank and worked. the two days i had made me wish for a house so badly so i just drove around, thinking about what it would really take to you know, get a house.

my mother dropped by and one of our conversations went into my want of a managed property. i know why at my age i still want someone else to cut the grass, fix the sink, landscape the yard: i got other stuff to do, thats why. i have stuff to make, songs to play, places to go check out. im not going to get older just to ride on a lawmower for 20 minutes a week. that time could be better used sleeping for an extra 20 minutes in the morning. now that is meaningful.

more preparations are being made for Peter Freund Sr. to visit our grand nation via Germany. two + weeks of a father in-law i havent seen for years and not once since being married. he is kinda bad ass if you ask me. he is in the hospital about two months out of the year and still travels six more. last i heard he had to go in because he had broken his belly button. how hard it that?!?! good times will be had.

more preparations for the Rooms cd to come out sometime soon. i have to design the cover, again, after matt called me drunk to yell about monochromatic cover fails and how my text looks too tough guy & punk. fun part was that he did it while i was at work so i yelled at him and my callers just laughed and laughed at my upity art talk and grunts. i'll get to it, next week.

ug. blogging at work. makes me want a laptop.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009


"Think about it, when Gandalf came back, he had new duds, white hair, and a shiney new white staff. I don't seem to recall the Fellowship questioning what Gandalf was or whether or not he was a Cylon."

i can read that and totally understand it. can you?

via galactica site rep

Sunday, March 22, 2009

i wish my dining room couch always looked like this.


Francis Bacon on being asked about the horror of his work-

"Because, if you say something very directly to somebody, they're sometimes offended, although it is a fact. Because people tend to be offended by facts, or what used to be called truth."

from "The Brutality of Fact" Interviews with Francis Bacon by David Sylvester

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

before the music dies

a MUST SEE for musicians and music fans alike. If you've ever felt like there was something wrong with music today,you HAVE to see this. This documentary exposes the problems with the music industry and also explores some solutions. Just watch.

side note: Erykah Badu is giving you "Real Talk" on here. And her performance is awesome too.

via: heavy gun


me, every day, before the lord blesses me with coffee

really, you already know about me.

My photo
indianapolis, United States
progressive big headed shy person with a big mouth and ideas that from time to time manifest themselves into visual or audible pieces.