Monday, January 18, 2010

something in between

twitter makes me edit down my thoughts by 3 or 4 letters, usually killing an important word or two neat the beginning of the thought in order to maintain some sort of legible context.

this blog can easily handle longer sparrings with subjects and the image uploading can handle a lot.

the in between i hinted at a few posts back. behold, a tumblr blog:


hope you like it.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

1e punk lighter

dont vote

i bought this at a german dollar store last year. im out of other cigarette lighters right now so im down to using this little piece of sunshine.


me, every day, before the lord blesses me with coffee

really, you already know about me.

My photo
indianapolis, United States
progressive big headed shy person with a big mouth and ideas that from time to time manifest themselves into visual or audible pieces.