Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Just about there...or, i'm here.

im a paint marker away from finishing my mixed media indiana flag on dome roof painting. i dont know if the show its supposed to be in is even still happening but keep indianapolis beautiful is busy, well, keeping my hometown perty. im more than happy with it since at first i felt like some mark just pushing paint around but i had my vision and now i can say ive really worked on something that was a totally unoriginal idea. i love how the torch turned out, i love how the stars are both bold but decaying, i love that the blue is totally wrong but hell, we voted blue for obama and we dont have palin as a vice president. theres a lot of indiana in this painting.
the base blue i bought from a random box of crap at a woodruff place garage sale ten years ago...its a refill for a printer long gone but its blue. it became a problem a few weeks ago since im using all water based paints: it kicks its way through, looking for air, turning my 9 layers of yellow into green....not a bad move in a progressive/changing state like not saying the state is progressive, but its a changin.
the whole thing is fatter than it needs to be, just like our state, and me, and just about everyone i know that eats. its following the cute trend of minimizing and plushificating stuff that need not be touched, like plush star wars characters or Chuthulus.... pointless but entertaining, which i am sure someone could say about our state.

i could rail on and on about this painting but i wont. just buy it and show some pride in where yr from. k?
-- Sent from my Palm Pre


me, every day, before the lord blesses me with coffee

really, you already know about me.

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indianapolis, United States
progressive big headed shy person with a big mouth and ideas that from time to time manifest themselves into visual or audible pieces.